Man up combo

Man up combo


Man up combo contains powerful extract from the Amazon forest that enlarges the penis muscles making it longer and bigger . Results seen in first to seventh application.


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Product Description

Man up combo contains powerful extract from the Amazon forest that enlarges the penis muscles making it longer and bigger . Results seen in first to seventh application.


1 2
6 7
8 – Repeat this movement:
– – –
– Apply two 5 -6 drops of Magnifiseur GEL INSTANT and spread them
gently on your penis with your fingers.
-Squeeze the base of your penis with your thumb and index finger.
Then slide up and down, stopping at the head of the penis (glans).
Repeat this movement alternating hands. Each sliding must take 2 – 3
seconds. With this exercise you will have a semi-erection resulting from
the blood flowing to the head of the penis. The goal of this exercise is to
get a semi-erection.
– Once your penis is semi-erectile, make a circle with the thumb and
index finger of one of your hands (like the OK sign). Firmly hold the base
of your penis with that hand.
– Then, starting at the base of the penis, go downwards and forward,
firmly but gently, until you reach the head of the penis. You will notice
how blood flows to the head of the penis (Glans).
– Change hands and repeat that movement starting from the base of
the penis to the head. Alternate your hands until you achieve a rhythmic movement, as if you were milking your penis. You must touch your whole
penis with this movement, except the top part of the head.
– You will notice that the Glans in the head of your penis turns red. This
is good, because this is the result of the blood flow.
– If during the exercise you achieve a total erection, stop and relax
your penis, swinging it softly and tapping it against your legs 30 – 40
ti mes.
200 times a day during the first week (only 5 days a week, resting 2,
which may be consecutive or alternate).
350 times a day starting on the second week (only 5 days a week,
resting 2, which may be consecutive or alternate).
500 times a day starting on the third week (only 5 days a week, resting
2, which may be consecutive or alternate).

Important Advices:
-Don’t use soap or shampoo as a lubricant, since it may cause pain,
allergies and irritation.
-If you experience pain due to exercising too much, take another day off
until the pain goes away.
-The penis must be in a semi-erectile state during those exercises. If you
feel the need to ejaculate, stop and relax your penis swinging it gently
and tapping it against your legs 30 – 40 times.
-By so doing, you will also be doing a self-control exercise.

specific treatment for your case.
Starting the PC muscle exercise:
Apply 1-2 drops of Magnifiseur Gel Instant and massage your penis until
gel is dry
With your penis in a semi-erectile state, start flexing your muscle 15 -20 times. The muscle will work every time you try to move your penis up and down without touching it with your hands. The effect of this movement will reflect on your anal area, as shown in Video number 7. This is the same
movement that takes place when you try to stop urination.
If your PC muscle gets tired after 20 flexes, you are not in shape. After doing these 20 repetitions flex it and squeeze it really hard for as long as
you can.
After a few months of continued exercise you will be able to hold ejaculation simply by flexing this muscle as hard as you can until the urge
to ejaculate is gone.
Warming up:
Contracting the PC:
Flex and relax at a constant rhythm of 30 flexes, then rest for 30 seconds.
Continue with two more series of 30 flexes, then rest for 30 seconds at
the end of each series.
After completing the 3 series you will have a better control of your PC
muscle due to the increase in blood flow.
After the warm-up, do a series of 30 flexes and keep increasing the
number until you reach series of 100 or more flexes.
You’ll PC will recover promptly and day-by-day you will be able to have
better erections.
Make sure to do at least 250 muscle contractions daily for the rest of your life. This is the best exercise you can do to improve your hea